Technical Information Control System
Toyo Glass Machinery is working on technical information control.
TGM obtained Technical Information Control System certification

For the purpose of appropriate management of customers and our information assets In March 2021, we obtained the certification of "Technical Information Control System".
Based on this policy, we will work on appropriate information management company-wide to identify important information assets, protect them from threats such as accidents, disasters, crimes, and leaks, and earn the trust of our customers and society. In addition, this policy will be posted on our website and will be widely announced to employees, customers and business partners.
Information security basic policy
Management Responsibilities The management will take the initiative in striving to systematically and continuously improve and improve information security toward the appropriate management of information assets.
Establishment of internal system In order to maintain and improve information security, we will establish the necessary system and information management rules to be observed.
Employee Initiatives Employees acquire the knowledge and skills required for information management and work to manage information assets appropriately.
Compliance with laws and contractual requirements We will comply with information security laws, regulations, norms, and contractual obligations to meet our customers' expectations.
Response to violations and accidents We will take appropriate measures to prevent recurrence of information security-related legal violations, contract violations, and accidents.
April 1, 2021
Kazutoshi Nagasawa